Automotive and Motorsport On the brink of possibly the biggest change in its history with the phasing out of petrol and diesel engines, there could hardly be a more exciting time for those with a passion for all things automotive to explore opportunities to develop a career in the industry. £26,800 Average salary in this sector 5,066 Annual job openings in the North West Courses Careers Facilities Student and tutor experience Courses All our courses follow an employer-led curriculum which means you'll be learning exactly the right skills to gear up and transition smoothly into the world of work. Supported by expert tutors who have years of hands-on experience, you'll benefit from their sector-specific knowledge giving you both the confidence and technical ability to excel in your chosen field. For those of you who are already working in the industry, we offers a range of highly technical short courses allowing you to upskill in particular areas and gain industry-recognised accreditation to further advance your career. Filters Age: - Any -16-1819+Business owner/employeeUniversity Level Qualification Type: - Any -Access to HE DiplomaApprenticeshipsApprenticeships and TraineeshipsDegree LevelDiplomaDiploma and Triple DiplomaEmployability - Maths English and DigitalFast Track to DegreeFor BusinessGCSEGatewayProfessionally AccreditedT LevelsUniversity Level ApprenticeshipsUp-skilling and Re-skillingUp-skilling and Re-skilling - Adult Funded Apply Course NameCourse Code AOM 012 for use with MET Re-AccreditationEV1EE8197 Accident Repair Technician - Advanced ApprenticeshipEN00097 Autocare Technician - Intermediate ApprenticeshipEN00101 Automotive Maintenance (Adults) - Level 1EA1FE639 Automotive and Motorsport Engineering Technology - BEng Hons Degree (Top Up)EA1HE123 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Diagnosis, Testing and Repair - Level 4EV1EE8173 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement - IMI Level 3EV1EE8129 Engineering (Automotive Engineering) - BEng Hons Degree (Full-time)ET1HE0001 F-GAS Automotive Refrigerant Handling - IMI Level 3EV1EE8082 IMI Accreditation Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Calibration (AOM 230)EV1EE8168 Pagination Previous Page Next Page Most popular career routes The North West is the UK’s second biggest region for automotive manufacture, generating around £9bn of the total UK automotive manufacturing economy through global names such as Bentley Motors, Jaguar Land Rover, Leyland Trucks and Vauxhall Motors. As well as manufacture, lots of opportunities exist in service and repair, working for a major dealership or even for a motorsport team. Alternatively, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you may even consider opening your own garage or buying into an automotive franchise. Past graduateshave gone on to build exciting careers with industry leaders such as Jaguar Land Rover, Ford Motor Company, Bentley, Lotus, M-Sport, Westfield Sportscars and MAHLE Powertrain. Most popular career routes: Vehicle Technician, Mechanic or Electrician | Construction Plant Mechanic | Motor Vehicle Fitter | Motorsport Engineer | Motor Vehicle Body Repairer | Motor Vehicle Paint Technician | Automotive Air-Conditioning Repairer | Brake Repairer Facilities Like all great pit teams, we offer state of the art facilities in our superbly equipped Advanced Technology Centre designed to give you an unrivalled learning environment whichever course you follow. What's more, we regularly review and, if necessary, replace all our equipment - mechanical and digital - to ensure we remain at the leading edge of training within the industry. What our students and tutors say: I wanted to be a mechanic ever since I was young. There are just six of us in our class so it’s a really personal learning experience. The tutors are good too. I like the welding side of things, fixing and putting together broken parts. The ATC has amazing equipment for us to work with. - Kyle Houghton, Automotive Apprenticeship I wanted to do something hands-on and I’ve enjoyed learning how to do lots of things. It’s helped my confidence and I’ve become more independent too. I’m building my skills, getting into the work mindset and I’m earning money for it too – I can’t go wrong! - Harrison Fielding, Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair – Level 2 Apprenticeship I really enjoyed working in the automotive industry, particularly the ‘hands on’ side of things, but after 15 years I decided it was time to pass on my knowledge and experience and gain new insights as well. - Wayne Hargreaves, Programme Leader, BEng Automotive Degrees Prev Next