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Graduate Attributes

At B&FC you'll not only develop subject knowledge. You're here to learn skills to last a lifetime. We'll help you develop personal qualities for life and work in the 21st century.
We call these graduate attributes and they're designed to help you prepare for employment and succeed throughout your career.

As a B&FC graduate you'll benefit from these graduate attributes:

  • A commitment to lifelong learning and career development
  • Collaborative teamwork and leadership skills
  • Personal and intellectual autonomy
  • Ethical, social and professional understanding
  • Communication, information and digital literacies
  • Global citizenship
  • Research, scholarship and enquiry skills
  • Enterprise and entrepreneurial awareness and capabilities
  • The ability to solve complex and unforeseen problems with creativity and imagination

These attributes are woven into your studies and by the time you've graduated, you'll have had the opportunity to develop all of these transferrable skills.

A commitment to lifelong learning and career development

Lifelong learning is the process of gaining valuable skills and knowledge throughout your life. Career development is the lifelong process of developing your career.

Collaborative teamwork and leadership skills

This is the ability to work effectively with others on a common task; taking actions which respect the needs and contributions of others; contributing to and accepting the consensus; negotiating a win-win solution to achieve the objectives of the team.

Personal and intellectual autonomy

Critically evaluating ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective including self awareness and reflection, independent learning and development and also decision making.

Ethical, social and professional understanding

Developing reflective awareness of ethical dimensions, and responsibilities to others, in work and everyday life & recognising and addressing ethical dilemmas, social responsibility and sustainability issues.

Communication, information and digital literacies

Equipping you with the technological understanding and expertise to manoeuvre effectively through the workplace of tomorrow.

Global citizenship

Preparing you to meet global challenges and be more inclusive in your thinking.

Research, scholarship and enquiry skills

Learning about current research in your discipline; developing research skills and techniques; undertaking research and enquiry and engaging in research discussions.

Enterprise and entrepreneurial awareness and capabilities

Developing commercial awareness, creative and innovative thinking, problem solving and analytical skills, influencing skills, adaptability, resilience and leadership.

The ability to solve complex and unforseen problems with creativty and imagination

Thinking outside the box, being adaptable, managing complexity, being curious and taking risks.
